

Nejsledovanější žánry / typy / původy

  • Komedie
  • Akční
  • Drama
  • Animovaný
  • Krimi

Oblíbené filmy (10)


Whiplash (2014)

Nemam rad hudebni filmy, nekoukam na ne a nevyhledavam je, ALE tady jsem udelal vyjimku a zkoukl jsem whiplash a muzu rict, ze jsem spokojenej, urcite neni overrated ba naopak. IMPOZANTNI kamera, GENIALNE zahranej "záporák" Fletcher (JK Simmons aka Jonah Jameson ze Spidermana) s ULTRA SICK koncem. 90% melo to nejake minusy; bral bych i delsi stopaz.


Příchozí (2016)

It's such a great film; one that encourages deep thought of not only our own existence and mortality, but also that of our shared experience with those around us, and with whom we are fortunate to share in these short few decades together before separating forever as we enter the phase of death following our own phase of being alive. The genius of this movie is that it forces you to ponder such relationships and confront your own mortality and to (hopefully) wake you up to the fact that your time alive is short (relative to that of the cosmos), and to encourage you not to squander this short, precious gift of 80 or 90 years that has been bestowed upon you.  ~~~ Don't waste your life.

Velká ryba

Velká ryba (2003)

Jestli existuje film u kterého jsem na konci brečel, tak je to určitě BIG FISH, protože to je tak nádhernej výtvor. 100%

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