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Oblíbené filmy (10)

Michael Clayton

Michael Clayton (2007)

-- and then -- in the fraction of a moment it took for that idea to form -- I realized all of that was wrong, because I looked back at the building and had the most stunning moment of clarity... I realized, Michael, at that moment, that I had emerged -- as I have done nearly every day for the past twentyeight years of my life -- not through doors of Kenner, Bach & Ledeen -- not through the portals of our huge and powerful law firm, but rather from the asshole of an organism whose sole function is to excrete the poison -- the ammo -- the defoliant -- necessary for even larger and more dangerous organisms to destroy the miracle of humanity -- and that I have been coated with this patina of shit for the better part of my life and that the stink and stain might in all likelihood take the rest of my days to undo -- and do you know what I did next? I took a deep, cleansing breath. I set that notion aside. I tabled it. I said to myself, “As clear as this may be -- as potent as this may feel -- as true a thing as I believe I have witnessed here -- I must wait. It must stand the test of time.” And, Michael, the time is now. (ARTHUR EDENS)


Fontána (2006)

Together we will live forever. (ISABEL) ***** Death is the road to awe. (LORD OF XIBALBA) ***** Every shadow no matter how deep is threatened by morning light. (IZZY)


Noc (1961)

"When I awake this morning, you were still asleep. As I awoke I heard your gentle breathing. I saw your closed eyes beneath wisps of stray hair and I was deeply moved. I wanted to cry out, to wake you, but you slept so deeply, so soundly. " "In the half light your skin gloved with life so warm and sweet. I wanted to kiss it, but I was afraid to wake you. I was afraid of you awake in my arms again. Instead, I wanted something no one could take from me, mine alone...this eternal image of you. Beyond your face I saw a pure, beautiful vision showing us in the perspective of my whole life...all the years to come, even all the years past." (LIDIA)

Černá labuť

Černá labuť (2010)

● k hodnoteniu: 1. hviezdička - hudba - Čajkovskij + Mansell ; 2. hviezdička - kamera - Matthew Libatique ; 3. hviezdička - herci vo vedľajších úlohách - Mila Kunis, Vincent Cassel, Barbara Hershey ; 4. hviezdička - hlavná úloha - Natalie Portman ; 5. hviezdička - réžia - Darren Aronofsky

Stvořeni pro lásku

Stvořeni pro lásku (2000)

In the old days, if someone had a secret they didn't want to share... you know what they did? They went up a mountain, found a tree, carved a hole in it, and whispered the secret into the hole. Then they covered it with mud. And leave the secret there forever. (CHOW MO-WAN) ***** Su Li-zhen Chan: Why did you call me at the office today? Chow Mo-wan: I had nothing to do. I wanted to hear your voice.

Milenci ze severního pólu

Milenci ze severního pólu (1998)

They say, that inside the arctic circle, on summer nights the sun does not set. They call it the midnight sun. (ANA) ***** I could tell my life story as a strain of coincidences. (OTTO) ***** Lives have many cycles but mine has only turned once and not completely... the most important thing is missing. (OTTO)

Tenká červená linie

Tenká červená linie (1998)

We were a family. How'd it break up and come apart, so that now we're turned against each other? Each standing in the other's light. How'd we lose that good that was given us? Let it slip away. Scattered it, careless. What's keepin' us from reaching out, touching the glory? ***** Everyone lookin' for salvation by himself. Each like a coal thrown from the fire. ***** Maybe all men got one big soul everybody's a part of, all faces are the same man. (PRIVATE WITT)


Warrior (2011)

Po treťom zhliadnutí Warriora som dostal nápad usporiadať „na papieri“ taký malý turnaj filmov so zápasnickou tematikou, nakrútených po roku 2000. Pri pridelení „štartového čísla“ jednotlivým filmom som postupoval podľa roku výroby, resp. abecedy v rámci jedného roku. Súperiace filmy som spároval podľa klasického modelu play-off súťaží. Zaradil som len filmy, ktoré som videl, a snažil som sa hodnotiť v prvom rade filmové kvality, aj keď výsledky určite odrážajú moju subjektívnu percepciu jednotlivých filmov. ####ŠTARTOVACIA LISTINA:#### (1) Ong-bak (2003 ; Prachya Pinkaew) ; (2) Rocky Balboa (2006 ; Sylvester Stallone) ; (3) Redbelt (2008 ; David Mamet) ; (4) The Wrestler (2008 ; Darren Aronofsky) ; (5) Yip Man 1 (2008 ; Wilson Yip) ; (6) The Fighter (2010 ; David O. Russell) ; (7) Yip Man 2 (2010 ; Wilson Yip) ; (8) Warrior (2011 ; Gavin O'Connor) ; ###ŠTVRŤFINÁLE### (1) Ong-bak vs. (8) WARRIOR – K.O. ; (2) Rocky Balboa vs. YIP MAN 2 – K.O. ; (3) REDBELT vs. (6) The Fighter – T.K.O. ; (4) THE WRESTLER vs. (5) Yip Man 1 – points decision ; ##SEMIFINÁLE## (8) WARRIOR vs. (7) Yip Man 2 – K.O. ; (3) REDBELT vs. (4) The Wrestler – K.O. ; #FINÁLE# (8) WARRIOR vs. (3) Redbelt – unanimous decision