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Recenze (1 028)


Iron Man 2 (2010) 

Im not saying that from the ashes of captivity never has a greater phoenix metaphor been personified in human history - Legacy, about whyt we choose to leave behind for future generations - First time since 1974 - TECHNOLOGY - Looking for you. You found me - He doesnt like to be handed things - You come from a family of thieves and butchers. And now, like all guilty man, you try to rewrite your own history - If you can make God bleed, the ppl will cease to believe in him - Dron better. Ppl make problem - Nemuže Iron Mana porazit na jeho pudě - Musíš vymyslet něco lepšího - Dont got too attached to things (a co ten tvuj pták) - Learn to let go - Better rock my word - FN-2000 - This isnt disco enough for you - Tear gas, smoke. Hippie control - You are tough (to se mi líbilo) - Size does matter - M134 7,62 Minigun (jak to napsal dohromady) - The torso taker - Uncle Gazpacho or Puff the Magic Dragon - Its capable of bursting the bunker under the bunker. If it were any smarter, it would write a book - This is my Rachmaninoffs Third - You are like a sphinx. I cant read you - City of the Future - Everything is achieveable through TECHNOLOGY - Im limited by the technology of my time - Prismatic accelerator - I can make presentation, not demonstration - Overpriced paperweights - New face of the united states military - Oracle - You lose - You guys are like two seals fighting over a grape - Compulsive behaviour. That was last week - Self-destructive tendencies - Textbook narcissism. Agreed - Victory - Highway to Hell - Máte pravdu, ta píča Patlrowová je otravná


Pozdravy ze spermabanky (2013) 

Jo, todle je film, co tě zaujme v prvním okamžiku. Teda poté, co se na sceně objevila Brit. Nemá oko, nemá paži. Celý to tema je divný. My nejsme stejní, ani si rovni. Vím, že vy prasata to už považujete za samozřejmost, ale pravda to není.


Čarovný les (2014) 

Šípková ruženka, Karkulka, Popelka. Je to zpívaný. Ještě, že mám pro tydle věci smysl. tak ta scena se střevíškem je super. Poslouchám Into The Woods. Dívat se na to bych považoval za ztrátu času… Good day, young lady. Good day, Mr Wolf. To je Depp? Proč má ty zuby z Pirátu z Karibiku? To se docela sem ted hodí. To se docela ted sem hodí. Hele, MOJE Emilka! That was quick, a je v tom! Dont touch me, you have a princess! Im in the wrong story. Life is also so unpleasant, you must know this like peasant… To je Tomlinsonová? Jesli jo, tak jsem ji poznal až zas podle toho, jak se zlobí. Blondatý princezny zrovna nejsou muj typ, ale něco na ní bylo. No určitě, trochu zvedlej nosánek, krátký čelo … ted si nejsem jistej. Budu si ji muset proklepnout. Krásně zpívají. Už to poslouchám potřetí.


Valerian a město tisíce planet (2017) 

Trochu degenerujou. To je umělá obloha? Tak tady máme utopistickej ráj a z nebe padá dábel. - You are missing a lot of fun - Thats all I need - I have my personal translater (hehe) - Dont you think the hat might be a little bit over the top? - Theres beggary in LOVE that can be reckoned - You mean to tell me, that you have had a WOMAN inside from the beginning? - Transka. Obě - K-troni - Absolute evil (Duka – theres no such thing) - A vystoupí androgynní bytost podobná Jandovy z Evropských hodnot, demon - Emperors son - Jsou tak autenticky stvořeni, že nedokážu na ně vystát pohled - My máme něco, co oni potřebují (konečně to začíná bejt zajímavý – co se nám snaží říct) - Jak by lidi mohli přijmout mezi sebe něco takovýho, leda že by byli absolutně zkažení - Unbelieveable. Esactly (udělal jsem stejný gesto jednou rukou) - Svět za duhou - On má menší ramena než ona (hormony asi nezabraly) - Taky bych si potřeboval píchnout - A následují New Age sračky - At the moment of passing, pearls release all the energy left in their body in a form of a wave which travels through space and time. Finds a benevolent host. - Planet a true PARADISE, lived in harmony, fishing pearls who possessed phenomenal energy - Fertilized their lands, CONTROLLED winds and tides (pohanství jako svině, witches, chybí už jen Matka země) - Three times a year we gave to the earth what the sea had given us (se poseru) - We lived like this in HARMONY (jasně, ty zmutovaná pýčo) - Until the day of the APOCALYPSE (tak na co si stěžuješ) - In the SKY brutal war (war in the heaven) - Trochu Freespace - By the grace of God (takže v řídícím křesle sedí někdo, koho poslouchá člověk) - Image, ej aj? zatím jí nevidíme do obličeje - Mocnosti nebeské - Hele Apollo, toho jsem si předtím nevšiml - Six millions died 6m - At first, they need TIME to understand new environment, absorbing the vast knowledge stored in database - Time has not dimmed the memories of our loss, but it has allowed us to let go of our ANGER toward those responsible - In shadows of Alfa they lived undetected watching and learning - Vessel of their own - Able to replicate and RESTORE their lost world (tak jo – padlí andělé a cesta do ráje) - We can forgive, but how can we FORGET? - We had much serious things to worry about - Lost 500,000 soldiers a day - History is on the MARCH and neither you (negr) nor a bunch of savages are gonna stand in its way (muj člověk) - Fellow citizens - Leading them into ruin and DEGENERATION? Forcing them to go backwards 1000 yrs - You are totally under influence of these creatures - Hes the THREAT. Hes the enemy (přesně tak, ve smyslu, který vy, zdegenerovaný prasata bez pastýře, nedokážete pochopit) - You are your own worst enemy - Unless you make PEACE with your past, you wont have a future (mír začíná spravedlností, každá česká svině dostane, co zaslouží) - Whats mine is mine and whats yours is mine philospohy - I play by the RULES. Its what makes me who I am - LOVE is more powerful than anything else. It breaks all rules and laws - Willing to forgive - Rozdíl mezi láskou a hloupostí, v prvé řadě. Odpouštět český svini na mentální urovni parazita, by bylo krajně sebezničující - Zase si ta pýča/pýčus olizuje držku - Im asking you to trust me - To je dobrý, všimli jste si, kam nemuže dábel, nastřčí ženskou - Kráva - Tak se konečně dozvíme, co znamená to absolutní zlo? - Prostřílej jim palice, at z toho taky něco mám - 2005 Destiny model - Procedure - Wakey him - Wave code - A SOLDIER will always choose death over humiliation - Annihilate them all - Fakt se ho musejí zeptat, kolik zbývá? To bylo jen samý hurry, hurry, ani je nekryl - This is how I work - You spent a day in a womans body - I did learned something - I want only your name on my playlist - I gotta be a man… - Based on comic book series - Naprosto vyprázdněnej film, kterej jsem zfouknul jen kvuli Kaře


Neřízená střela (2010) 

He fancies me - Do you fancy me? - Its simple enough question - Of course not. Not at all - You fancy him? Is that it? - Bellboy - Tonight I feel more like tears than anger - The vixen eill have gone to ground - Our chances of finding her are next to nil - If I dont get a minute without you, I will kill myself (mi povídej) - Im ordinary calm, kind person - That was an accident. You frightened me - Try and find your ear. Put it on some ice, and the hospital can stich it back on (ten má teda smulu) - I should be able to pee sitting down at the price - Past its sell-by date - Fig roll, anyone? - I will have one. Get lost - Im not decent - It will be over in no time - You are made for each other


Deník slabocha (2010) 

I was a bit of a troublemaker - Im tired of being friends - Just regular summer stuff - Hes going to get to the end of Twisted Lizard 2 this summer - Why dont you write down your phone number too? - Frient, kiss of death - Im the laugh ingest laugher that ever laughed - You need to get to Gregs LEVEL and really engage with him (a to je co, psycholožka) - Find an activity you both enjoy - What Greg needs is a role model - Someone he can look up to - Be the father you wish your father had been - Quality time together - Readin is fun. Lets share the books - CLASSICS. Something to stimulate your minds - Lets get this party started! Oh yeah! - Civil War reenactments - Bunch of wrown man dressed as soldiers running around in muddy fields - I had the honor of being bugle boy - PLAYING BADLY - Ty dlouhý statický záběr - And you didnt think maybe you should tell me that? - Improve our summer - Yes! I mean oops - I could give you a few pointers - Ppl have expectations. Everything has to be perfect - Now move it or lose it - Im more than indoor person - Theres no guest for the gust - Two orders of fries, vanilla shake extra thick and anything with bacon on it - I told him to keep low profile. I didnt want to get fired from my fake job - What am I a guidebook? Come back when you are drowning - Theres no need to be mean - Listen shrimp, the only reason Im here in this ridiculous outfit, is to get CREDIT for my college application. So bounce - You are too funny - I love you because… - We like to share, its more fun that way - Scary rides, Cranium Shaker - No way. Way - Scream their heads off - They are disappointed in me. Better than getting punished - Things are getting complicated - Things are started get complicate ?? - I dont know, whats different, but this roasbeef is unbeliefable - Chefs secret - To sou prasata - The sacred bond of your frindship is broken - Ten se mi líbí - Jeho filosofie zachranuje celou tudle blbost - Im using so many identities, Im haveing trouble keeping track of them - It cant be happening - Listen, midgets, stay out of my eye-line - Shes into drama - Im in pieces, baby, fix me - Shake me till you wake me - Go for it (nejlepší scena z celýho filmu) - Laine MacNeil - Payton List - Mužete mi říct, ve který vedlejší roli byla Chloe?


Královna Alžběta (1998) 

I am a true and faithful subject - You pretend. But in your heart… - Já si nemyslim, že je chitrý řvát na budoucí možnou královnu - Why we must tear ourselves apart for this small question of religion - Only one tre belief. The other-heresy - Začíná se mi to líbit. Má to náboj - I do not need your pity. Accept it than for my sake - I shall not forget this kindness - When I look at you I see nothing of the king. Only that whore-your mother (Anna Boley) - Obě jsou sympatické - My father never did anything so well as to cut off her head - Počkej, to bude Jindřich XIII, ne? - Why will you not confess your crimes against me? Cause I have commited none - You speak with such sincerity (dobrá herečka) - I see you are still a consumate actress - Death warrant - Uphold the Catholic faith - Do not také away from the ppl the consolations of the Blessed Virgin - When I am QUEEN, I promise to ACT as my conscience dictates - Servilní jako Drahoš - Feed her to the wolves - Let her see, what they are like - Shes just still a child and you yet still you piss yourselves - There is so little beauty in this world and so much suffering - God intend? Perhaps there is nothing in this universe but ourselves and our thoughts - To brzo zjistíš - If you must, do it now and without regret - Innocence is the most precious thing you possess - Lose that and you lose your SOUL - All things move in our favour - Many of our friends are returning from exile (neustálý boj o přežití a ideje) - Most uncertain times. Life remains in danger - Will you leave your kingdom to a heretic? - To je jako hra, nabitý hláškama - A court to worship you - A country to obey you - Poems written celebrating your beauty - Music composed in your honour and they will be nothing to you - The Queen is dead. Long live to the Queen (zásady, tradice nade vším, pravidla) - This is th Lords doing and its marvellous in our eyes - Není to jen povrchní, skutečně věří v boží řád věcí - Cate se pro tuto roli opravdu hodila - Queen of England, Ireland and France - Co to je, 16stol? To Francie ještě neměla svýho krále? Respektive se královna vrátila do Anglie? - Inherited a most parlous and degenerated state. Threaten from abroad by the ambitions France and Spain and is weaker in men, monies and riches - Muži jako měřítko síly, bohatství - The Navy is run –down, no standing army, no munitions, not a fortress - Tvl, po tomdle budu mít chut si zahrát Total War (už mám dobytou pulku Francie z leta 2016) - Za pul hodiny se toho stalo strašně moc! Myslím, že si ten film rozdělím na čtyři části - 2020-01-01 - I dont like wars. They have uncertains outcomes - Mám chut si zahrát Medieval TW2 - Mužu si zahrát, co chci. Mám ted čas, než do něčeho zase slítnu… - I have no desire to make windows into mens souls - This is herecy. No, this is common sense. Which is a most England virtue - The future happines of my ppl and the peace of this realm - This entire conversation is ill-timed - Time is close at hand - Although my affection for you is undiminished I have, after an agonising struggle, determined to sacrifice my own happiness for the welfare of my ppl - Will you dance? If it please you - I am no mans Elizabeth. I will have one mistress here, and no master! - Pretended Queen of England, servant of wickedness - Craig měl povolení zabíjet vždycky - She has no army, no friends, only enemies - A wise man would be careful not topul himself in the way of harm. He would change allegiance - You love me so much you would have me be your whore? - Lord Robert, you may make whores of my Ladies but you shall not make one of me - Elizabeth is a witch and her servant is the devil - The word MUST is not used to princess - Your policies would make England nothing but part of France or Spain. From this moment I am going to follow my own opinion - I may be a woman, but if I choose I have the heart of a man. I am my fathers daughter. I am not afraid of anything - The dead have no titles - He shall be kept alove to always remind me of how close I came to danger - I have rid England of her enemies - All men need something greater than thmselves to look up to and worship. They must be able to touch the divine here on earth - She had such power over mens hearts (Marry). They died for her (asi templáři, kult Divine Divinity) - I have become a virgin - I am married to England (no proč ne, když si mužeš vzít psa, dneska) - Elizabeth, The Virgin Queen


Desátý kruh (2008) (TV film) 

Přečetl jsem si plot. Nikdo se nezmínil, že je to na motivy Danteho komedie. Vlastně Pekla. - Sinners have, in Dantes words, no sting of conscience, no guilt, not even while they are suffering the consequences of their sins - The ninth circle of hell is reserved for the worst sinners - Conscious of time unable to act for ETERNITY - Friends with benefits (jak ta pýča s tím mohla přijít sama) - I dont like that expression - Trixie. Neřikejte jí Trixie. To jak nějaká šukací panna - Read the picture (to je parchant. ale má styl) - Ten film pusobí, jako by byl z devadesátých let - Outlaw artist - Dark past which made him seem haunted and broken. Celej já - He was everything my parents disapproved of. Ha ha - Now hes a better wife than I am - I love the parts of you (to zní solidně) - Maybe next time, Seth (zase někdo znal základy demonologie) - To je ironie. Tydle prostý americký filmy mají dycky hloubku - Im all ready - Tvl, on natře oba krajíce a pak je dá dohromady - Thats you griend with benefit, bitch - Totally inspired suggestion - Two HEADS, two tails. No blood. Again - Yo, just cool it, man - Jasně, naposledy si s tou krávou užij - Píča - Ta hrozně přehrává, pár facek a bylo by po problému - He pulled out. You know, onto my stomach - Jéé, uklidni se, tatko - To je prdel, jak se to bere vážně - Significant internal trauma - Drž piču, fotře. Měls sis jí víc hlídat. Ted nebreč - Do you have kids? - Ta mamina by taky potřebovala opíchat - Plyšáček - Best costume, Wonder Woman - Hele, ten hologram - Tvl, ona se ožralá nechala zbouchnout, a oni ji ještě litují - Did you think Im a bad girl? Musí na to přijít sama - I feel like that sometime - You are just growing up. To nalhávej sobě, ty čubko - Something, we ALL have to do. Jasně - Jinými slovy, nebyla jsem lepší - Kde zase nebyla? - I want you to feel something, say something - Drž hubu, ty krávo! - Why didnt you answer the phone? Tvl, tak bude 24/7 na mobilu, ne? - Were you out screwing him last night? Aha, tak jsme doma. Proč by ho neutahovala? Proč by to mělo vadit, protože ty si nedokážeš najít nějakou matraci, abys upustil ventil jinak, než že rozbiješ hubu svojí ex - While your daughter was getting raped. Tak to je hodně smutný. Něco jako výchova v tom nemohlo hrát roli. Mohla za to exmanželka, která neměla dítě ani v peči - Prej slut, takovej negr… v pralese to píchá z opicema a tady nás to bude morálně poučovat - Zephher - I wish Jason Underhill would rape me (he he he) - Jo, co by za to taková holka dala - 15-year-old grl would not put yourself throu examination like that if nothing happen - 15-year-old grldoes not put herself throu an examination like that if nothing happened - Ser na ní - Dead quiet - Quote-unquote rape - Hele, kočička mu obtáhla auto, pussies - Why do we DREAM? - Royal road into the unconscious which is made up of all the forbidden WISHES you ever had and wish you didnt - You are GUILTY, if ppl think you are - I lied bcs I was so ashamed - I wanted that so bad - He said that „Friends with benefits“ - Aha, já si myslel, že zapomněl, co ji řekl. Todle je ještě lepší. U mě dobrý, protože todle by mě u holky taky nasralo, kdyby se přes to přenesla. To opravdu muže akceptovat jen fakt kráva - Let go of me - All HOPE abandon, ye who enter here - No, its not over. Next motherfucker will come - Buyer beware - One wrong MOVE and everything can shatter - Thats what it feels like to watch a child grow up - Kass Aq. Outsider, no part of the tribe, not trustworthy - I was only white kid. I had to fight my way through all of these years and I become so filled with rage and hate - Real reason that they blamed me was bcs I wasnt one of them


Iron Man (2008) 

Peace means having bigger stick then the other guy - You ever lose an hour of sleep your whole life: - I woud be prepared to lose few with you - Tak to je až moc velký rodeo - Tvl, to je prdelka - Pepper Potts - After all these yrs, Tony still has you picking up the dry-cleaning - Anything including, occasionally, taking out the trash - Bojovník, umí se okamžitě odreagovat, přepnout - To trefili až na základě rozboru jeho osobnosti? Takhle hlubokej film to bejt nemuže - Is it better to be feared or respected? - Tydle plíšky by to prostřílelo - Thank you for saving me. Dont waste it - To je Gwyneth Polthrow? - Little less formal and… - I had become part of the systém that is comfortable with zero accountability - Lousier poker face - No unmanned aerial vehicle will ever trump pilots instinct - Look into situation beyond obvious - Carrie. Christine. Thats right - You have a lot of nerve showing up here tonight - I panic in my reaction - I actually almost bought it, hook, line and sinker - Described as a descent into hell, into a modern day Heart of Darkness - Driven from their homes by warlords - That BOGEY just went supersonic - Jak h trefil tank a nezničilo ho to, to je blbost. Navíc ve vzduchu - Whatever it was, it just bought the farm - Chuts jammed - Call of the Raptors - Technology. Its always been your Achilles heel in this part of the world - You look FANTASTIC, I even didnt recognise you - Ta jeho štětka vypadá jako Megyn Kelly - I am not my company - He never really did come home, did he? He left part of himself in that cave - Breaks my heartyou are very rare woman - Proč todle nenaklonuješ, proč sis nevzal ten z koše? - Next time, baby - Duly noted - Scramble the jets - Rying to rid the world of weapons you gave it its best one ever - Heres your ALIBI. You vere on your yacht - Isnt my first rodeo - Just stick to the official statement and soon this will all be behind you - Strategic Homeland … (SHIELD) - You left me there by myself - Wild accusations - Outlandish and fantastic - Just stick to the cards


Uzavřený kruh (2013) 

Překlad - COŽE?? Jo jasně, verbale, hloubavý, jemný film, který se vymyká těm hollywoodským krvákum, a proto mu stojí za to udělit o XXXX hvězdy víc... to určitě!