

Nejsledovanější žánry / typy / původy

  • Komedie
  • Akční
  • Drama
  • Horor
  • Sci-Fi

Oblíbené seriály (10)

Ženatý se závazky

Ženatý se závazky (1987)

České znění je nesnesitelné. Není pravda, že se postavy nevyvíjejí (Al ztrácí vlasy, Peggy má několik plastik a děti stále hladoví). První sitcom svého druhu. Např.: S1E4: Al:”Jeez, when the men become such a losers. It used to be so great to be a man, women where there to please us they look after the kids and we go out and have a good time, that´s the natural order of the things. What happened Steve?” Steve: “Well, ohm…” AL: “I tell you what happened! Somebody told women they should start enjoying sex too. That was beginning of the end. Now they like it but it´s more work for us. Everything is work for us. It´s this the equality thing. It´s killing us! Do you know who I blame?” Steve: “The French?” Al:”I think it´s this Curie guy started the whole thing. He´s the guy who let his wife take the credit for discovering radium.” Steve: “Well, but she did discover radium.” Al: “Aah probably he left it out one night!”. S11E9 (in the shoestore, while Al and Grif are leaving a fat woman is entering): Fat woman: „Where do you think you´re going? Aren´t you open?“ Al: „I´m sorry ma´m, but unlike your mouth we occasionally close!“ Fat woman: „I want my money back. These shoes fell apart only after one day and I wonna know why!“ Grif (Al´s colleague):„Well you see ma´m, this is a pliet heel with a cork filling.“ Al:„Where as you are giant seal with a pork filling!“ Fat woman: „You haven´t heard last to this: What goes around, comes around.“ Al:„Well considering your orbit it looks like I have about more ten years“….(later in the shoestore, when a crowd of fat women is arriving)…fat crowd stamping:„Two four six eight don´t make fun of our weight two four six eight don´t make fun of our weight!“ Al:„One two three four you´re gonna fall through the floor!“…Al:„Oukey I get it, the No Ma´m guys sent you guys way over here, didn´t they, it´s a birthday gag, one of you supposed jump out of the cake but you ate it way over.“ SxEx: Al:”Why can´t we get tapes like these Peg?” Peg:”They´re VHS Al.” Marcy:”Ofcourse they´re VHS, only an idiot would be on Beta.” Peg:”Or someone who believes the womans orgasm is brought on by yelling “Come on will you!””....aso


Kancl (2005)

Šílené, trapné, urážlivé a geniální Michael (viz. ladko, phoebus). Michael:“Today I am in charge of picking new healthcare plan for my employes. Does it make me to their doctor?...Yes, in a way, like a specialist.“, Michaelovo přání k narozeninám (firma plánuje propouštět):“Meredith is so old, that I wish only downsizing happens to her age.“


Futurama (1999)

Naprostá šílenost a sopečný gejzír skvělého humoru, v originálním znění nepřekonatelné.

Červený trpaslík

Červený trpaslík (1988)

Trapné a úděsné jako posvátná čapka, avšak na protest se připojuji k nepozitivnějšímu hodnocení, jež vyjadřuje nesouhlas s těmi komerčními umělci jako byli např. Beethoven a Mozart a př to tak kryptofašistickej buržoazní škvár.