

Nejsledovanější žánry / typy / původy

  • Akční
  • Drama
  • Komedie
  • Horor
  • Sci-Fi

Recenze (1 028)


Sedm životů (2008) 

viděli ste toho černýho zmetka na začátku, tak to je celý moje ALTER ego. enlight the darkness prologue, ted tomu dám 5, protože mě to narovinu odrovnalo. ale po chvíli zjištuju, že jsem KONSTERNOVÁN a nemužu se zbavit dojmu, že darovat libovolnou část těla moje úchylná bible zakazuje! tak se jako zapřísáhlý KATOLÍK spokojim s úvodem, kde se rozhovory s Bohem vedou ještě v mentální rovině. za shlédnutí to ovšem stojí. jinak bravo čecháčkové, bravo, cynismus vám ještě cizí není! (herecká výbava na oko líbivá, WILLIAM opět ve své kuži) nejlepší komentáře : Nathálie.


Requiem pro panenku (1991) 

jo, ušla. nutnost během projekce nasadit antidepresíva, stoprocentní filmový zážitek.


Špinavá dohoda (1986) 

jak je tam všechny vyřídí a na konec na mrtvoly vysype bonbony, supr


Smyslná orchidej (1989) 

zažít to, co mladá absolventka, nemohl bych jinak, než dát pět a rovnou si to zopakovat. ano, smyslné kouzlo, slušně řečeno


Odstřelovač (2007) 

Nechápeš to ty. Zabili mýho psa (God bless America) - Jsme v 21. století, nemužeš jít s nima do války. Zákon stejně… Zákon je nikdy nezastaví. Za rok, za dva to budou dělat znova. Nový jména, ale kšefty zustanou. Kde budu já?? Takže se dám radši do práce. Bude se střílet a umírat. Jasný? Já s tím nezačal, ale věř mi, že to dotáhnu do konce. A ty se rozhodni, pujdeš se mnou? - Abyste chytil vlka, musíte mu nabídnout návnadu - Co se s tou návnadou stane? To já nvm. Když bude mít štěstí, přežije to - Useknout jednu halvu nestačí, je to konglomerát - Když někdo zradí základní princip, moci a peněz, vykope si hrob. Je to jen lidská slabost, a tu nikdy nemužeš zastřelit - Měl jsem tě jen zdržet, než tu budou. Lhaní by mi na to nestačilo, to bys poznal - Vždycky se najde blázen, kterej začne věřit, že muže zmenit svět. A musíte ho zabít, abyste mu to rozmluvili. V tom je problém demokracie - Nesjou žádné strany. Jsou ti kdo mají, a ti kdo nemají - Jedna vesnice, a díky tomu je ted stabilita v celé oblasti, to znamená, že si ted nebudou navzájem usekávat ruce, protože babička jejich děděčka patřila k jinému kmeni (přesně) - U stolu je jen omezený počet míst. Chcete s námi stolovat, nebo stát venku? - Jsem jenom drban, co žije na hromadě zbraní - Výhoda systému vyváženého vlivu je v tom, že jsem dokonce i právně vázán je poslat do hajzlu. Jedná se o hledání pravdy, takže budte laskavě zticha - Pozor, abyste se svým převráceným kompasem trefil zpátky na parkoviště - Nejsme na divokém západě, kde se to řešilo zbraněmi. I když občas by to bylo zapotřebí… - Slyšíš ty ptáky? V týdle zimě… k posraní


Resident Evil: Zánik (2007) 

Same shit, another asshole. Ale celkově po akční stránce asi nejlepší díl.


Temný rytíř povstal (2012) 

BANE to zhodnotil po svém. jak já si užíval ten čas exilu LUZY včetně neponaučitelného mistra Wayna, škoda jen, že netrval celou zimu. ostře píchatelná Anička Hathaway mi tam pořád nepasovala, ale když jsem si k filmu obstaral titulky, tak mi už ani tak nevadilo to rozlišení 320x320. musím říct, že jsem film pak sledoval nadvakrát v tříhodinových intervalech a prožíval to s nimi! no právě proto je to tak super nereálné, Nathalie. Lets the GAME begins. Motherfuckers. - The fire rises - No is not time to FEAR, that comes later - Thug who showed his true nature - Shrimple balls - I have written a speech telling the truth about… maybe the time isnt right - Maybe right now all you need to know is that there are 1000 inmates Blackgate Prison as a direct result of the Dent Act - Organized-crime machine - It has not been for nothing - Save-the-world project,vain or not - War hero. This is peacetime - Look you wouldnt beat up woman any more than I would beat up cripple - Of course, sometimes exceptions have to be made - Can I have a ride? You read my mind - 8yrs later - This night, eight yrs ago - Selina Kyle (Kyle Reese – předvčera T4) - Shes good, but the ground is shrinking beneath her feet - PRINT toner mixed with graphite – it gives a good pull and its untraceable - Fascinating. You two should exchange notes over coffe - Theres nothing out there for me - And thats the problem. You hung up your cape but didnt move on - You are not living. You are just waiting, hoping for things to go bad again - We cant have loose ends - And even in that dress, no ones gonna miss you - Theres EVIL rising from where we tried to bury it - Man who doesnt care about the World, doesnt spend half his FORTUNE to save it - Mind if I cut in? - Who are you pretending to be? - Bruce Wayne, eccentric billionare - Whos your date? - His wife is in Ibiza - Theres a storm coming, Mr Wayne. You and your friends better batten down the hatches, because when it hits you are all gonna wonder how you ever ought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us - You sound you are looking to it - Just you sir? Dont worry master Wayne - Takes a little time to get back the swing of things - THERE IS A PRISON IN A MORE ANCIENT PART OF THE WORLD. A PIT WHERE MEN ARE THROWN TO SUFFER AND DIE - There is a PRISON in a more antient part of the world. A pit where man are thrown to suffer and die (peklo) - BUT SOMETIMES A MAN RISES FROM THE DARKNESS - But sometimes a man rises from the darkness - Sometimes the PIT sends something back - Mně to před třemi letama nedošlo. Díval jsem se na to pohledem obyčejnýho diváka. Už tehdy to bylo filmové zpracování mojí fantazie, ale nikdy mě nenapadlo, že Dark Knight je o padlém andělovi. Fenix, který povstal už tolikrát z popela. Zjevení 9/11 - Born and rised in hell on Earth - Leage of Shadows (to si dělaj srandu – pro méně chápavé jako společnost v pozadí) - 2018-11-29 - Hes as dumb as he dresses (a to mi uteklo) - Like a rat in a trap - You might have the wrong animal there, sir - Careful what you wish for - Cat got your tongue? - Programm clean slate - It was a gangland myth - My mother warned me about getting onto cars with strange men - Answering your own door? - Applied Sciences - Worlds best chance for a sustainable future (flood it)? - Speak of the devil and he shall appear - The PLAN is proceeding as expected - Im Gothams reckoing - Here to end the borrowed time you have all been living on (již bylo) - You are pure evil. I m necessary EVIL - The idea was to be a symbol. Batman could be anybody. That was the point - Hope you didnt like me for the money - Suffering builds character - Tys to nepochopil. Ted jste souzeni za svoje zločiny, když jste byli v roli soudcu a svědku (wow, kdy jsem se na to díval) - But on the nights when we had a fire, we felt very rich indeed - Peace has cost you your strength. Victory has defeated you - Theatricality and deception, powerful agents to the uninitiated. But we are initiated, arent we, Bruce? Members of Leage of Shadows - You think darkness is your ally? But you merely adopted the dark. I was born in it. Molded by it. I didnt see the light until I was already a man - The shadows betray you bcs they belong to me - Shepard (zachariaš 11/17) nebyla poznámka - Preparing to bring justice - You dont fear death, you welcome it. Your punishment must be more severe () - Torture. But not of your body. Of your soul - Home. Where I learned the truth about despair (byl jsem v horším) - Thi is a reason why this prison is the worst hell on earth: HOPE - Climbing to freedom. So easy. So simple - I learned here there can be no true despair without hope - So as I will terrorize Gotham, I will feed its ppl HOPE to poison their souls - I will let them believe that they can survive - You can watch me torture entire city - We will fulfill Ras Al Ghuls destin. We will destroy Gotham - And then, when it is done and Gotham is ASHES then you have my permission to die - Ppl of their status deserve to experience the next ERA of western civilization - Viděl jsem to poprvý, když jsem se vrátil - To, co následovalo poté, jsem ještě musel zažít, uvědomit si, že to je všude stejné - Ted tomu rozumím - Your truck was shutting them out. And, uh, as a detective, we are not allowed to believe in coincidence - Land of the free, And the home of the brave - Let the games begin - We come here not as conquerors, but as liberators, to return control of this city to the ppl (ashes) - Now martial law is in effect. Return to your homes, hold your families close and wait. Tomorrow, you claim what is rightfully yours - We do not negotiate with TERRORISTS, but we recognize realities - Shining example of justice. You have been supplied with a false idol to stop you tearing down this corrupt city! - Build a lie around this fallen idol (pejsci) - DO YOU ACCEPT THE RESIGNATION OF ALL OF THESE LIARS? - Of all the corrupt? - Theres a point far out there when the structures fail you when the rules arent weapons anymore, they are shackles, letting the bad guy get ahead - One day you may face such a face of crisis. And in that MOMENT, I hope you have a friend like I did to plunge their hands into the filth, so that you can keep yours clean - We take Gotham from the corrupt! The rich! The oppressors of generations who have kept you down with myths of opportunity. And we give it backy to you, the ppl - Gotham is yours (to the ashes) - None shall interfre. Do as you please - Step forward, those who would serve for an ARMY will be raised - THE POWERFUL WILL BE RIPPED FROM THEIR DECADENT NESTS and cast out into cold world that we know and endure! - Courts will be convened (žádný nashle) - Spoils will be enjoyed - Blood will be shed! - The POLICE will survive as they learn to serve true justice - This great city it will endure. Gotham will survive (false hope) - The mask holds the pain in bay - INNOCENCE cannot flower underground. It has to be stamped out. One day, the doctor forgot to lock the cell (karma) - But the child has a friend, a protector, who showed the others that this innocence was their redemption. It was to be prized - Did you not think I would RETURN, Bruce? I told you I was immortal - There are many forms of immortality - Bane is your child. Your heir - An heir to ensure the League of Shadows fulfills its duty, to restore BALANCE to civilization - You yourself fought the decadence of Gotham for yrs (tj pravda) with all your strength, all your resources, all your moral authority - And the only victory you could achieve was a lie - Now you understand Gotham is beyond saving - And now its everyones home. Theres storm coming, remember? This is what you wanted - They are hunting cops like dogs - Why build yourself? - Im not meant to die in here - I told you, it cannot x could not be done - You told me a child did it - But not ordinary child. A child born in hell. Forged from suffering. Hardened by pain. Not a man from privilege - It will go off in 23 days, regadless of Banes revolutionor what we, or the outside world, choose to do - Leap to FREEDOM is not about strength. Survival is the spirit. The soul - Fear is why you fail. No, Im not afraid. Im angry - Why do we fall? - How can you move faster than possible, fight longer than possible, without the most powerful impulse of the spirit (vule)? The fear of death - Without the rope. Then fear find you again - RISE - Fix only from inside the city - Never steal anything from someone you cant outrun - Apology. It wouldnt suit you - Maybe I like it this way - No lawyer? No witnesses? What sort of due process is this (neznám jinej)? - Your guilt has been determined, this is merely a sentencing hearing - Death, by exile - Autopilot, thats what you are there for - Whats starts? War (before sunrise) - If you are working alone, wear a mask. Mask is not for you. its to protect the ppl you care about (aha) - All-ot on assault - For your stuck-up girlfriend - Trying to kill millions of innocent ppl. INNOCENT is a strong world to throw around Gotham - I honor my father by finishing his work - Vengeance against the man who killed him is simply a reward for my patience - Maybe your knife was too slow - Eleven minutes - About the whole no-guns thing, Im not sure I feel as strongly about it as you do - Nothing like a little air superiority - I guess we both are suckers - A hero can be anyone. Even a man doing something as simple and reassuring () as putting a coat around a yong boys shulders to let him know the world hadnt ended - Beautiful abyss… - I see a beautiful city and a brilliant ppl rising from this abyss - I see the lives for which I lay down my life… peaceful, useful, prosperous and happy - Structures becoming shackles - A udělali mu dokonce sochu (image) - Nejlepší scena (bistro)


Zákon gangu (2008) (seriál) 

Pro mimoně co žárlej už i na mašinu v seriálu, na který se prožene kunda omotaná kolem motorkáře, kterou před chvílí někomu zabavil na benzině, aby se pak k němu poslušně vrátila pěšky. Co dodat, snad že takhle bych to udělal já! Bohužel stejně tak seriál ztrácí svoje tempo a stává se z toho typická rodinná sága, kde se všechno točí kolem zbraní, drog a uplácení úředníku z protialkoholového, kam by si měl povinně dojít každej z vás taky!