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Recenze (618)


Na prahu války (2019) 

First half of the movie was simply astonishing, but later on it started to be almost not watchable, therefore three stars. With very specific filming style it is intended for audience, who will dwell on technical aspects. The storyline puts on screen lots of question related to the social crisis during the WWII, but as well is forcing to think about elementary matters of daily life, so the cinematography only supports struggling of people living on the outskirts of Austria. What I appreciate the most is the respect of director to the people and how his style express the admiration how strong they were and their endurance to overcome everything what is put in front of them not only from the physical point of view, but also from the moral perspective. It is almost like a social study of times back then and there with impulse on basic relationships between close family, friends and neighbors from nearest village.


Motokáry (2020) 

Very relaxed, family friendly movie with Australian specifics in the script, so you immediately recognize the fun atmosphere and therefore very simple story line is enough for you to enjoy.


Zkáza Dejvického divadla (2019) (seriál) 

Na české poměry výborně natočené hlavně z hlediska interpretace humoru a jednotlivé díly pobaví různými scénkami, které čerpají z podání absurdních situací, ale i tyhle musí být perfektně připravené - nejen scénářem a to se povedlo skvěle. Minutáž na jednotlivé pointy je velmi dobře zvolená a jednotliví herce tomu dávají korunu.


Holky z Derry (2018) (seriál) 

Derry girls offers good entertainment with humor, historical events described from different perspective of daily live of during troubled times in Ireland. Lots of characters with its own very distinctive diference and in certain scenes they create situation, where the typical nonsense is creaming from the screen. Quiet unique series about how bittersweet it was to live back then and there.


Životní trefa (2022) 

Hustle is perfect movie for easy evening, when you do not want to think much while watching a movie as the main story line goes very smoothly ahead and brings success for the main characters. Of course it is the completely typical Netflix production where it is describing very popular sport with look behind the scenes thanks to following scout who is convinced by his judgment about a young talented Spanish player. From the start of the movie, you could see that this project is hitting the right audience who is tuned on NBA and the timing of releasing is also during a time to support the hype about the NBA finals. Whoever wants to relax and smile in front of the TV, the Hustle will serve as a good movie for it.


Cesta domů (2021) 

Celý film je krkolomně sestříhaný. Jednotlivé pointy scén poukazující na společenské jevy jsou znázorněny dost čitelně, nenáročně a tak celkový dojem kazí jen útržkovitost děje. Film je místy dost nesourodý z hlediska režie. Herecké obsazení je výborné, což náležitě pozvedává úroveň zábavy. Kulisy venkovského prostředí také přidávají na zajímavosti a některé záběry stojí za to.


Pád (2013) (seriál) 

It is hard to place the evaluation for all series at once as each is very different and the qualities are gradually going down from Season 1 and onwards. Season 3 is just dragging the ending of the storyline to the end and the ending is not doing the justice to the whole idea of psychylogical thriller. Unfortunately there is too much posturing and playing which goes into the vain.


Síla psa (2021) 

The whole perspective on the storyline is influenced by the exteriors of the New Zelands Central Otago surroundings and the atmosphere of it helps to survive the whole footage of 125 minutes with knowing that the plot could be shown in much shorter format. Anyway with all of the aspects this "western" is taking this genre from different point of view.


Hrdinové ohně (2017) 

Last 20 minutes are breathtaking, because until that there is a lot of not important sauce with main line of the story, which is predictable, but audiovisual side of the upcoming catastrophe is convincing enough to believe that some of the professions are totally risky. The Movie is experessing the main point with certain timing, whatsmore with outlook having satisfactory result.


Cukr a sůl (2018) (studentský film) 

Krátkometrážní počin s autenticky zachycenou atmosférou, která osciluje kolem tématu chlapáctví a pospolitosti čtyřicátníků. Zachyceno skoro až poeticky, ale s velkou nadsázkou bez zbytečného patosu, takže vyniká výborný scénář.

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