

Nejsledovanější žánry / typy / původy

  • Akční
  • Drama
  • Komedie
  • Horor
  • Sci-Fi

Recenze (1 028)


Pátý element (1997) 

nejdříve hra, poté Milla a na konec z toho vyjde vítězně asi Oldman v dokonalé vesmírné taškařici, která u mě zabodovala takřka vším a nebál bych se to shlédnout kdykoli znova.


Zápisník jedné lásky (2004) 

Tady je evidentně vidět, že ženská představuje zábavu, povyražení, první cenu… Nic víc, smysluplný život vám opravdu nenabídne. Nadruhou stranu vás to alespon motivuje postavit dum nebo posekat zahradu (kde by si vypila limonádu), nebo namalovala vobrázek. Nicméně snímek mě nijak zvláš neurazil, což se odrazilo i na mém hodnocení, které dosahuje na vaše mokré kapesníčky.


Madagaskar (2005) 

asi muj první animák, ke kterému se jen nerad vracím. zajímalo by mě, co si o tom myslí Sulimo, komentář ještě nenapsala! nejlepší komentáře tradičně Owen, mandes a superpero POMO.


Tváře v davu (2011) 

zejtra mám opět svátek a Milla Jovovich podle všeho už netočí béčkovou produkci. je to už dávno, co jsem utíkal do auta pro kartáč cigaret, abych je směnil za její debut Fourty-five v nejmenovaném výprodeji, protože hotovost u sebe zásadně nevozím, a budu si taky muset osvěžit její filmovou dráhu, protože o ní v poslední době nevím zhola nic!


Amorův úlet (2006) 

"myslím, že si spolu máte co říct - co na něm vidíš!!!? měl jsem s tebou naplánovanej celej život!!! myslím, že bys už měl jít. jasně, ale ještě jsem neskončil, popelko! stále ještě tančím, vidíte!!! stále ještě tančím, měli byste mě svázat!" lol


30 dní dlouhá noc: Doba temna (2010) 

tolik teplejch hodnocení, dám verbalovi s pětkama (po těch debaklech) ještě jednu šanci. nuda. v pulce jsem byl v lednici a hledal něco, do čeho bych se zakousnul sám. byl tam jen pudink, tak jsem to říznul vodkou a šel spát.


Smlouva s ďáblem (2000) 

mám jedno přání, až umřu. chci do pekla! (klidně budu i škemrat) - Last night was the most incredible night of my life. I never did find out any of the guys names, but I brought them back here and all five banged me like a Salvation Army drum - Searching horizont for someone else - Hes a man whos in touch with his emotions - Hes a man whos not afraid to share his fears, his disappointments and his tears - Damn I was hoping you wouldnt catch that - I never wipe my tears away. Im not ashamed of them. Je sedm ráno - Badges of emotional truth - And Im worry about the dolphins.i wrote song about them (no way) - You are so much more then FISH to me. My playful friend beneath the sea - You know rather than get confrontational, why dont we all just sit down together and see if we cant start a DIALOGUE - Im going to ask you to respect the moment that my woman friend and I are sharing - Tvl, kdyby jim tedka rozbil hubu, tak by mu hned dala - Unique spiritual and emotional understanding - I cant handle this kind of REJECTION - But enough is enough! - I just want to be with a man who will ignore me and také me for granted (hm), whos only pretending to be interested in who I am so he can get into my pants - Dobře ji připravil - I would never want to dis your teammates - Consider doing something exclusive with me, for the magazine. Youknow, maybe more intimate, one-on-one - You go out there and you just give 110% and you hope you play good - Damn the devil to hell! - You giving them candy? - Placebos. They work as well as the real thing - You cant give sick ppl Tic Tacs (se poseru, potom, co sem sejmul pár těch kriplu, je mi hned líp) - SMART - I want to be able to talk good - Articulate, sitty and sophisticated, charming. I want to know everything about everything (zdeněk) - Winkiewise - Is that clear? Crystal - You just say I wish and I fill the rest - Smarty-pants - They say alcohol is a disinhibitor - Im tingling all over - Tak kde bude chyba tentokrát? - Jasně, je to buzík - Lot of television, dont neglect yout video games - Sex, greed, gluttony, sloth, anger, vanity, envy - Theres no point fighting about this. You have to learn to accept the inevitable - We are all DOOMED anyway. So you might as well just get with the program - It wouldnt hurt to have a friend like me - Lady cop - Your soul, it doesnt really belong to you in the first place - That universal spirit that animates and binds all things in existence - The DEVIL gonna try to confuse you. but its her gig - In the end you will see clear to who and what you are and what you are here to do - Wishing just doesnt work - Its how we get there that really matter - Now you can go easy, or you can go hard - Slip into something a little more terrifying - Disgusting little maggot - Deal-breaker - Nobody ever reads the contract. Selfless acts of redemption - On November 12th I will have been doing this for 6000 yrs - Little secret. The whole good and evil thing, you dont have to look hard for heaven an hell, they are right here on Earth - You make the choice - Im cracking myself right here (to je ta samá? Tamto byla pýča) - If you want be somebody else, change your life - 2017-12-10


Warrior (2011) 

Kdy to budou dávat v televizi? Miluju dramata v ringu. Jak to tak pozoruju, tohle bude asi hodně silný kafe, ani bisexuálové v oblíbených neslevili pul boda. Takže rodinnej doják, jak mám bejt - Well, I passsing through and I figoure why not have a belt with the old man - She looks good - Well, you always did také good care of her (s tím klukem budou jen samý problémy) - Paddy Conlon. Man of priorities (jako moje návštěva v roce 2012 jen víc patosu) - Never go anywhere empty-handed - What, you changed brands? LOL - Theres no much womans hand around - Bible (kuchařka) - Myslím, že ho chtěl taky zmlátit, za celou dobu dobu, co ho neviděl - Come on, its just a drink (pro alkoholika asi ne) - I guess Jesus was down at zhe mill forgiving all the drunks - Špatnej střih - Well, its good to know you are sorry. It goes a long way - I think I like you better when you were a drunk (ten mu dává kapky) - I want you to obey my commands at all times (ne chrante se za všech okolností) - I want you to protect yourself at all times (za druhý) - The devil you know is better than devil you dont - You sounded like a goddamn maraca coming through the door - You cant be doing this - You say yes, sir and no, sir. And than we just pray to God that hes in a good mood - Theres no precedent for this. You will be back in next semester - Smokers fights - And these guys arnt not real fighters. They are just guys that have seen too much UCF on TV (on Monday) - Is geting tuned - I have got loads of time. Time is not issue - I need to keep working the smokers - Riot act - Remmember that? - I was unconscious - You were more than unconscious - Shes not gonna come down here with the two puppies screaming at Franc? - You take your have a heart bullshit and you run it down the road. Run it out with someone that doesent know you like I do (někteří lidé nerozumí, jak někdo muže být tak krutý, ale my, co ano, musíme být lepší než ti ve filmu, nebo se jim jen nedaří vykreslit tu pravou špínu) - Break bread, just open some lines of communication - You got two lines of communication. Telephone and the post office - I have got a wife and kids inside and they are waiting for me - All that shit I saw growing up (ale on se změnil, zaslouží druhou šanci, pochvalu, uznání, dnešní prasata žijí bez sebereflexe) - He doesnt say much, Brandon - Hes just not that happy kid he was, you know? - Mr inside man - I did not come to gloat - You got to trust to forgive - Cage is your home - Great pains, small gains for those who ask the world to solve them - Its not gonna happen - I wish I have a nickel for every time somebody told me that - Your decision? (drž píču) - Making decision together - Zpívaj tam ptáci (ale normálně) - Hes breaking every rule - Came out of nowhere - I can do this. Lets do this - Man of Renaissance